
​Border Collies​​

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Moana - $550.    AKC 
Shaded sable female.  

BD: November 21, 2024

Moana is outgoing and confident and likes to check out her surroundings. She is a precocious and fun-loving puppy that is a delight to have around.

​VIDEO:  Let's explore. Feb 24

VIDEO: Running in the snow

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These puppies belong to our daughter Amy. 

They are all playful and love people.  

For information, text 316-619-2887 or email Agumm@usd353.com.

FALLON - $550.    AKC 
Black & white male.  

BD: November 21, 2024

Fallon is an adventurer. He wants to see what's out there.  He was having a great time bounding around in the snow.  He loves his people and comes running when called.  He is a loving, puppy and looking for a best friend.

VIDEO:  Great time in the snow.  Feb 24

​VIDEO:  Snow is fun. Feb 24

VIDEO:  Playing tug. Feb 24

VIDEO:  Playing in the snow. Feb 24

VIDEO:  The ball.  Jan 24​​

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Mocha - $550.    AKC 
Shaded sable female.  

BD: November 21, 2024

Mocha is a delightfully sweet puppy. She loves her people. She is playful and likes to play with toys. She has a fuzzy rabbit that squeaks that she carries around everywhere. Mocha loves to run and jump and play in the snow. She is a little spitfire and will be a great companion for someone wanting a puppy that thinks the sun rises and sets with people.

VIDEO:  Great time in the snow. Feb 24

VIDEO:  Snow is fun. Feb 24

VIDEO:  Playing tug with Fallon. Feb 24

VIDEO:  Playing in the snow.  Feb 24

Flint - $550.    AKC 
Black & white male.  

BD: November 21, 2024

Flint is a great puppy in classic black and white. He is an outgoing, inquisitive puppy. He had a super time playing in the snow when we took pictures. He ran around checking everything out. He is a people puppy. He is affectionate and loves attention. Flint will make a great best bud.

VIDEO:  Let's explore. Feb 24

VIDEO:  Keep Away.  Jan 24

ALOHA - $250.    AKC 
Black & white female.  

BD: April 12, 2024

Aloha is a sassy girl.  She likes to explore and run around and have a good time. She loves toys.  Her favorite is her orange fox that she has learned how to make squeak. She is ready to go to a new home now.